Search Results for: hurt

7 Ways to Make a Graceful Exit and Leave Your Church Well

Unless you stay at the same church your entire life, you will leave one ministry or church and go to another, perhaps several times. In fact, the average pastor in the U.S. stays at one place about four years. I’ve served at six different churches in my 35 years in ministry and have always sought to leave

7 Ways to Make a Graceful Exit and Leave Your Church Well Read More »

A Fresh Perspective of the Christmas Story: through the Lens of Adoption

This is an older post that you might find helpful as you prepare for this Christmas. It is an abbreviated text of my 2009 Christmas message I gave during our annual Christmas program. Note: our entire Christmas program was written by our church’s worship leader. It follows the story of a girl named Emma who was

A Fresh Perspective of the Christmas Story: through the Lens of Adoption Read More »

Should Andy Stanley have used Sermon Notes for His “The Bible Told Me So, Not” Sermon

In August, Andy Stanley delivered a sermon that has upset many because he appeared to question biblical authority. You can hear his message, “Who Needs God? The Bible Told Me So,” here, read a negative critique by Albert Mohler here and read a positive one by Frank Turek here. In this post I’m not critiquing whether or not he undermined biblical authority. I

Should Andy Stanley have used Sermon Notes for His “The Bible Told Me So, Not” Sermon Read More »

Mark Driscoll, and why Every Pastor Should be Taken Down

Last week the Acts 29 Network dismissed from its membership Seattle mega-church pastor Mark Driscoll and his church Mars Hill Church and asked for his resignation as pastor. This came as several controversies came to light about Mark and his church. Mars Hill’s accountability board countered with a statement of frustration that apparently that board had failed to personally

Mark Driscoll, and why Every Pastor Should be Taken Down Read More »

A Former Pastor’s Perspective on What Makes a Compelling Worship Service

In a recent article I wrote for, 8 Surprising Insights from a Former Pastor, I shared 8 key insights I’ve learned during the last 18 months as a former pastor. I’ve served 32 years in vocational ministry and took off the past 18 months to write, coach pastors, travel, and begin another master’s degree. The

A Former Pastor’s Perspective on What Makes a Compelling Worship Service Read More »

My Journey from Preacher to Parishoner-8 Insights I Learned as “no longer a pastor”

I’ve served in the local church as a pastor for over 32 years, yet for the past year I’ve not served in an official pastoral role. After 7-1/2 wonderful years at a church in Aurora, IL, I left to accomplish several goals that I couldn’t have if I were on staff at a church. I

My Journey from Preacher to Parishoner-8 Insights I Learned as “no longer a pastor” Read More »

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