
The Litmus Test for Successful Ministry: Always Up and to the Right?

What defines ministry success? How do you know if your ministry or church is really successful? I’ve served six churches, three in associate leadership positions and three as the senior pastor. In my first senior pastor position I started a church in a suburb of Atlanta. I envisioned myself as the south’s Rick Warren, a

The Litmus Test for Successful Ministry: Always Up and to the Right? Read More »

7 Mistakes Pastors Make in a New Church Job

Getting a new church job can be scary. And pastors often overlook pitfalls in those new jobs. In this post, adapted from my book on on-boarding for pastors, I list 7 pitfalls pastors must avoid in a new church job. A quaint story circulated among Methodists describes a young pastor fresh out of seminary who

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Is this the Holy Grail for Effective Leadership?

The term ‘holy grail’ is often used to describe something highly sought after or earnestly pursued. Whether you are a leader in a ministry environment or a business environment, great leaders are always looking for ways to lead better. But is there such thing as a ‘holy grail’ for effective leadership? Probably not. However, recently

Is this the Holy Grail for Effective Leadership? Read More »

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