
Why you can’t hear how you really sound (and why it matters)?

Have you ever heard yourself speak on an audio recording and said, “Wow! I didn’t know I sounded like that?” If you have, you are not alone. It’s a brain thing. We actually can’t hear our voice and tone the way it actually sounds. [That must be why some people with really bad voices think […]

Why you can’t hear how you really sound (and why it matters)? Read More »

What Would you Do for $10,000,000? How Leaders Build Integrity

What are you willing to do for $10,000,000? James Patterson and Peter Kim published the book, The Day America Told the Truth in 1991. In their research they posed this question to 2,000 Americans in an anonymous survey. These are the results. Would abandon their entire family (25%) Would abandon their church (25%) Would become prostitutes for a

What Would you Do for $10,000,000? How Leaders Build Integrity Read More »

A Counter-intuitive Way to Manage Ministry Pain

Pain and ministry go together like peanut butter and jelly. Once you make a PB&J sandwich, there’s no separating the two ingredients. Neither can we isolate successful ministry from the pain it inevitably brings. I don’t like rejection, disappointment, or criticism. I don’t know any pastor who does. Sometimes, however, I do everything I can

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