4 Leadership Principles Latino Pastors taught this Gringo Pastor
My wife and I just returned from a conference in Bogota, Colombia where we taught pastors and their wives. We were privileged to serve with Juan Carlos Flores Zúñiga and his wife Orietta who arranged the conference through his organization. Lance Witt and his wife Connie were also on the teaching team. He served as
7 Key Leadership Learnings from Willow Creek’s Leadership Summit
Last week I attended Willow Creek’s Leadership Summit at a local video venue. As usual, the speaker line-up was superb. I used my iPad to capture my learnings and these these seven stood out. We can hear the whispers from God when we lower the ambient noise in our lives. Bill Hybels, The Power of

Retro preaching for hi-tech pastors: why and how I used a flannelgraph
I’m a techno geek … I stood in line for 5 hours to get the latest iPhone, I use a MacBookPro, I use an iPad on stage when I preach, I twitter, and I write a blog. Yet, sometimes technology gets in the way. I once tried a retro version of communication. It worked. Our
How Church Leaders can Mobilize their Churches for Community Ministry
It’s exciting to see many churches embracing community and missional ministry more than ever. When I grew up, I can’t remember being challenged to go out into my community to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the poor and under-resourced. Perhaps that’s why it took me so long to personally ‘get it.’ The
My Review of the student devotional: Crash Course by Daniel Darling
Although my kids are well beyond the teen years, I wish I could have given them this devotional when they were kids. Daniel Darling, a friend of mind, provided me a complementary copy of his new book called, Crash Course, forming a faith foundation for life. Although written for the teen in mind, I was
Why Pastors are Sometimes Like Turtles
Recently Leadership Network asked 40 pastors (including the likes of Wayne Cordeiro and Elmer Towns) to explain in 6 minutes what they wish they had done differently in ministry. They held an online conference called SAGE. As one of the speakers, I spoke on why I wish I was less like a turtle. You can read
What Does Jesus Smell Like?
Do you ever think about the fragrance of Christ? What is it, what does it mean. And really, what DOES He smell like? I once read one of those tear-jerker email forwards about a baby girl who was born severely premature and was not expected to live. Due to her immature little immune system, her

How an iPad Improved my Devotional Life
I’m a busy pastor and am committed to developing my walk with Jesus through several spiritual disciplines. One discipline I practice is a daily time with God when I read Scripture, pray, and journal. Before I owned an iPad, my quiet time looked like this. read my bible (the paper version), often reading several different
Strip-Club Ministry: My Daughter’s Story
This is my married daughter’s story about her ministry to women involved in strip clubs. She and her husband recently moved to California, yet this ministry she started continues to thrive. The drive to Kentucky was beautiful, punctuated with fields of yellowed wildflowers and the emerald green of the lush Southern foliage. We rolled into
Church Planning: The Etch-a-Sketch System I Learned in Nicaragua
When I was a kid, one of my favorite toys was an Etch A Sketch. If you’ve never played with one, it works like this. You turn the two white knobs in different directions to create a line drawing like the one in the picture. That was cool enough for us kids like me who