Preaching with a mini-iPad: My First Experience
I’ve been a fan of the iPad since it came out. I’ve owned the original and the iPad 2 and I began to use it over two years ago when I preached. I even wrote an e-book, Maximizing Ministry with your iPad that you can download free by clicking this link: ipad ebook final. However, I
6 Reasons Your Church Isn’t Growing
My friend Dr. Aubrey Malphurs is one of the top church leadership experts in the country today. He’s written over 20 books and knows his stuff. This week his newest book, Look before you Lead, hits the bookstores and online retailers. I asked him to write this guest post today. Read it with interest and
Craveable: 5 Reasons You Should Read this Book by Artie Davis
Artie Davies, one of the most influential Christian leaders today, pastors Cornerstone Church, a growing multi-campus church based in Orangeburg, SC. An avid blogger, he also leads the movement called “The Sticks Network” that empowers and develops pastors from small cities. He’s one of my favorite bloggers and has one of the coolest websites around.
Why I Switched from an iPad2 to the mini-iPad
I’m a pastor, a church consultant, and an avid Apple fan. I bought the original iPad within three months of its arrival. I loved it. In fact, I even wrote a free e-book called Maximizing Ministry with your iPad. You can download it here for free. Since then I upgraded to an iPad2 that I’ve
The Placebo Pastor: are you one?
In today’s vernacular, the word placebo refers to sugar pills given to patients for various illnesses. Although the pill has no medicinal value, the patient does not know that. The origin of the word I describe below, however, provides a memorable word picture for people pleasing,[1] the theme of my next book due late this
3 Probing Questions Every Leader should Ask to Make a Great 2013
A new year offers us leaders a great opportunity to evaluate the prior one and plan what we hope to accomplish in the new one. Each January I complete three exercises that help me prepare for the coming year. I re-read my journal to look for trends that I want to continue or weaknesses I
Sticky Sermon Ideas from Les Miserables, the Movie
I just saw the movie Les Miserables with my family. I was blown away, had my feet knocked out from beneath me, and was overwhelmed with emotion at this incredible story of redemption, sacrifice, and courage. I’d never seen the live production nor read Victor Hugo’s novel upon which it is based. I now know
Top 10 Blog Posts for 2012
Here’s a list of my top 10 blog posts for 2012. Should Pasors Abstain from Driniking Alcohol What Snorkeling Taught me about Selecting Leaders Are you a Transformational or a Transactional Leader-take this test and ifnd out Are you a Brain Savvy Pastor or Still in Pre-School? Is This the Number 1 Reasons Leaders Fail?
Are you a Brain Savvy Pastor or still in Pre-School?
In 1990 the U.S. government declared the next decade as the “Decade of the Brain” to foster more research about the brain. Since that time we’ve learned incredible new insight about how the brain and our minds affect life and leadership. Pastors and other ministry leader would do their ministries well to incorporate learning about
3 Things That Pastors And Church Leaders Can Do That Will Always Work
Brian Doddis one of my favorite bloggers. He has a real knack to pick up on what’s currently happening in the world and extract really cool leadership insights. He’s one of those guys I believe church leader should follow and read regularly. He is a Generosity Architect and leadership consultant for INJOY Stewardship Solutionsand he’sinvested