Top 10 Quotes from Willow Creek’s Global Leadership Summit

Last week I attended my tenth Willow Creek Leadership Summit. I had the privilege to attend with about 50 leaders from the church I pastor, West Park Church. This may have been one of the best summits for me. I’ve captured below the the top 10 quotes and insights from the speakers.

1. Make sure you keep the takers from getting on the bus. Adam Grant (Wharton prof) played off of Jim Collins’ often quoted maxim, “Made sure you get the right people on the bus.” Adam said that it’s equally important to make sure we don’t put the wrong people into our leadership structure.

2. Live for your eulogy, not for your resume-Albert Tate, pastor Fellowship Monrovia.

3. Talent may get you to the top, but only character will keep you at the top-Craig Groeschel, pastor of Lifechurch.TV.

4. You are only as strong as you are honest-Craig Groeschel.

5. Art is about learning to see-Ed Catmull, Pixar CEO.

6. You will keep your customers by doing three things: welcome them well, meet their wishes, give them a good farewell-Horst Schulze, CEO Capella Hotel Group.

7. Research tells us that we each have an average of 3.4 blind spots-Bill Hybels.

8. Great leaders (level 5 leaders) inspire others not to follow them, but to follow a cause-Jim Collins, business thinker and author.

9. Will I settle to become a good leader or will I grow to become a great leader-Jim Collins.

10. Leaders need more than just a forward gear. We need to be able to stop and sometimes to in reverse-Liz Wiseman, author and consultant.

11. (bonus quote) There area three kinds of feedback: appreciation, coaching, and evaluation. 93% of US workers feel unappreciated-Sheila Heen, author and consultant.

If you attended, what was your greatest insight?

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