The Most Productive 4 Hours of my Week
I received an undergrad degree in industrial and systems engineering. IE’s, as they are called, are sometimes referred to as efficiency experts. Whether that’s true or not, the training I received from my degree has force me think about leadership productivity. In this post I describe my most productive four-hour time block each week, what I do, and why
How to Pray According to Your Enneagram Personality
Prayer isn’t the easiest thing we do. Life is full and finding time and the words to say and the words to hear can be challenging. Yet, a very popular personality tool, called the Enneagram, can give us some insight on prayer. Today’s post is by my friend, Ryan Lui, an accredited practitioner of the Enneagram.
The Post-Easter Church Lull: 4 ways a pastor can prepare for it
For many churches, Easter is the highest attended service(s) of the year. Leading up that weekend church leaders log extra hours to plan Easter egg hunts, prepare for extra services, create invitation fliers, and spruce up the building. Yet, the inevitable happens, the post-easter lull. The following Sunday attendance and energy usually drops precipitously. At
If You Like Podcasts…
Many of you listen to podcasts. They’re a way to quickly learn some great stuff about the topics you enjoy. As many of you know, Moody Publishing recently released my latest book on mindfulness for Christians, called Holy Noticing: The Bible, Your Brain, and the Mindful Space Between Moments. It’s a guide that intersects Scripture
What Ben Franklin Teaches us about Productivity
A few years ago I earned an executive masters in the neuroscience of leadership and one of my primary profs was a super smart (and really nice) Ph.D., Josh Davis who wrote the book Two Awesome Hours. You can learn more about his book here. If you want to up your productivity game, this is the book
God, a Motorcycle, and the Open Road
My friend Tim Riter has just written a new book I highly recommend, God, a Motorcycle, and the Open Road. Tim is a motorcycle and Jesus enthusiast and has compiled some amazing stories and spiritual truths from riding over 200,000 miles, covering 46 states, and three countries. You will enjoy this read. I releases today
Top 10 Reasons People Don’t Tithe
Tithing is a spiritual discipline many Christians practice. In its simplest form it means giving back to God 10% of what you make. I’ve practiced it for years as a regular part of my giving. I tithe ‘plus’ to my local church and I give to other causes on top of that. However, throughout my
4 Questions to Help you Discover your Leadership Bias
A couple of years ago 65 leaders from Southern Ontario attended our first annual Nfluence conference at West Park Church, London. It was a great time to learn from three seasoned pastors, Dr. Dom Ruso, Steve Adams, and myself. In one session Dom explained how to empower the next generation. One insight he shared that
Who Should Serve on Your Leadership Team? 4 Traps to Avoid
An exceptional book on teams by Ryan T. Hartwig and Warren Bird is Teams that Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership. I highly recommend it! I asked those guys (who are really smart dudes, especially in the area of church leadership) to write a guest post. Their post below offers wise insight on avoiding traps when
Is a Pastor’s Job a Calling or a Career?
My good friend Godfrey Thorogood is one of the smartest guys around when it comes to church leadership. He served as FEB Central’s Leadership Development Director in Ontario and now is pastor at Thousand Oaks Baptist Church in Ontario. He’s worked with literally hundreds of pastors and once shared with me that he noticed a