Author name: Charles Stone

Dumb and Dumber Things Guys Say about their Wives’ Weight (and how not to say them)

Meet Jim. He’s the average nice guy . . . good provider, loving husband, faithful church member, caring father. After work one day his wife of 20 years asks him to run to Safeway to pick up a gallon of milk. He replies, “Sure, honey. Be glad to.” Little did he expect, however, that this […]

Dumb and Dumber Things Guys Say about their Wives’ Weight (and how not to say them) Read More »

How an Improv Class Improved my Preaching and Enhanced my Life

Drew Carey hosted a TV show called Whose Line is it Anyway that ran for several years until 2006. You can still see re-runs on cable. The show, based on what is called ‘short-form’ improv, included four characters, most memorable being Wayne Brady. They would take suggestions from the audience and would create characters, scenes,

How an Improv Class Improved my Preaching and Enhanced my Life Read More »

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