The Sleepy Leader’s Brain

God created sleep not only to cure sleepiness, but to serve our bodies and brains in many beneficial ways. Unfortunately, many leaders, especially pastors, try to lead without getting  adequate sleep and live with a sleepy leader’s brain. When we don’t get enough sleep, our brains don’t work as well. Thus, we don’t lead at our best.

So what happens when we don’t get enough sleep, besides feeling sleepy? Here’s what the experts tell us happens to our brains when we don’t get adequate sleep.

  • Our memory is impaired. Sleep helps turn short term memory into long-term memory (called consolidation) by strengthening memory traces. Lack of sleep hinders this process.
  • We don’t learn as well. Related to memory, when our memory is impaired, learning suffers.
  • We can’t control our emotions as well. Emotional control (called emotional regulation) best happens when we think most clearly. Lack of sleep keeps our executive thinking center (called the pre-frontal cortex) from operating most effectively.
  • Creativity suffers. When we sleep our brain continues to work. One way it works is by making novel connections which doesn’t happen as easily during wakefulness. If you rob yourself of sleep you may be robbing yourself of creative insights that otherwise could enhance your leadership.
  • We don’t recharge our brains and our bodies. The body needs to reset its physiological processes each day to keep in balance (called homeostasis). If you don’t get enough sleep, you can keep your body from resetting its chemical balances. As a result, chronic lack of sleep can put your body in a stress state which keeps the stress hormone cortisol constantly in our system, which damages our bodies and brains.

How’s your sleep pattern? Are you getting enough sleep? What can you do if you believe you are sleep deprived?  I list several suggestions in this prior post where you can take a quiz and learn if you are sleep deprived.

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3 thoughts on “The Sleepy Leader’s Brain”

  1. Linda Ranson Jacobs

    I’ve got a blog coming out tomorrow about children of divorce and how sleep deprivation affects their behavior. ( I love your post because many times the teachers and leaders of kids need more rest in order to be able to accommodate them. I’m keeping your post.

    Linda Jacobs
    DC4K Creator and Blogger

  2. Pingback: 5 Ways to Gracefully Say No

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