Sometimes. Email me a synopsis of the book and one chapter and I’ll take a look.

Attend some writers’ conferences, start a blog, begin with articles, get the Christian Writer’s Market Guide.

I felt a definite call into ministry over 40 years ago and enjoy serving full-time by training pastors and church leaders to live and lead better by intersecting Biblical truth with brain-based insight. Sometimes it gets weary and frustrating. But I fall back on my clear call and God encourages me.

Battling my youngest daughter’s brain tumor and surviving five years of my oldest daughter’s rebellion during her teen years. Both are doing quite well now.

Over 45 years to the most wonderful wife in the world. We’ve had four kids who are all in their adult years and we have three grandkids.

I exercise regularly, enjoy going to movies with my wife, and will veg in front of the TV for a program or two to turn off my brain.

Jump over to my “contact” page and fill out the form. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I’m able. 

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