People Pleasing Pastors
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Approval-Motivated Leadership
Pastors and church leaders often fall into the trap of people-pleasing. Charles Stone’s research on thousands of pastors and ministry leaders demonstrates the dangers of approval-motivated leadership. Bringing together biblical insights and neuroscience findings, Stone shows why we fall into people-pleasing patterns and what we can do to overcome these tendencies.
With practical tools for individuals and teams, Stone offers concrete resources to help you and your leadership minimize people-pleasing and have more effective ministry.
"Filled with rich insights and profound wisdom born out the crucible of decades of ministry, People-Pleasing Pastors is a must-read for every pastor. I was challenged both personally and in the next growth steps for my own leadership. Charles Stone has given the church a great gift!"
Peter ScazzeroPastor and author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and The Emotionally Healthy Church
"In PEOPLE-PLEASING PASTORS, Charles Stone shows us why it’s so important to find our identity and self-worth in Christ rather than ministry performance and congregational approval. Better yet, he provides practical tools to help the reader assess and then grow in this important area of spiritual and psychological health."
Larry OsborneAuthor and Pastor, North Coast Church
"We are not called to please people so that we can achieve a more secure identity. We are called to love people out of the secure identity that we already possess, the one that was bought for us through the redeeming work of Christ. People-Pleasing Pastors acknowledges a real problem, and helps equip those in ministry to resist the temptation of seeking the approval of people above all else."
Ed StetzerPresident, LifeWay Research