The iPhone App that Improved my Ability to Concentrate
One of the most precious commodities a pastor has is time. Ministry always beckons us to do more than time permits. I once heard a researcher state that most people have 35 hours of unfinished work ahead of them. However, if we use the time we have most effectively, we’ll become more fruitful for the
4 Questions Leaders Should Ask to Avoid Burnout
For my second book I commissioned Barna Research, Lifeway Research, and Christianity Today to survey almost 2,000 pastors to discover what issues can cause a ministry or a leader’s passion for ministry to die. I based my book on those findings. Out of those findings, four key questions emerged that every spiritual leader should ask him or herself at
5 Reasons Churches should Often Celebrate Wins
Several years ago the church where I served celebrated its 25th year anniversary and we planned a big celebration. I’ve shared below what we did and then some key learnings about the importance of celebration. What we did… Our creative arts team created a fantastic experience that told the story of the last 25 years in all
3 Lessons I Learned from 75 Cuban Pastors
In mid-October I experienced one of the most difficult yet rewarding weeks of ministry in my 35 years as a pastor. I trained 75 pastor-leaders in Cuba and I will never forget it. The group I trained is pictured below. I spoke 22 times in 5 days, 19 of those times crammed into three days.
The Original Jesus
My friend Daniel Darling just released his latest book, The Original Jesus: Trading the Myths We Create for the Savior Who Is. Daniel is a great writer and provides an insightful look at the myths we create about Jesus. I highly recommend it. I’ve included an excerpt below. Who is Jesus? The answer to this
Is the Best Term ‘Christian’ or ‘Follower of Christ?’
As a pastor I try to read broadly enough to understand the current Christian vernacular. One great read, Deep Church, unpacked the terminology of the emerging/emergent church and those that think more traditionally and suggests an in-between position. I recommend it. Through such reading I’ve noticed the past few years that the church’s vernacular seems to be in constant flux,
Top 10 Quotes from Willow Creek’s Global Leadership Summit
Last week I attended my tenth Willow Creek Leadership Summit. I had the privilege to attend with about 50 leaders from the church I pastor, West Park Church. This may have been one of the best summits for me. I’ve captured below the the top 10 quotes and insights from the speakers. 1. Make sure
How to Plan an Effective Solo Planning Retreat
My undergrad degree is industrial engineering. So, planning comes second nature for me. Yet as a busy pastor I’ve found that I can never get adequate long-term planning done unless I carve out regular extended times away, by myself, away from the office. Here are a few tips I suggest. Schedule 2-3 personal planning times each year,
What I Learned in an Audition for a Commercial
When most people think of improv, the TV show Who’s Line is it Anyway usually comes to mind. I’d seen the show a few times and never envisioned myself taking an improv class. But several years ago I took several classes and had a blast. It also gave me the chance to hang around some people who didn’t embrace Christ.
A Powerful Tool to Help Create Change in your Church
Change in every church is difficult, but necessary. Things that are alive, change. One powerful tool that can help move change forward in your church is storytelling. I’ve excerpted a brief portion of my newest book Brain-Savvy Leaders, the Science of Significant Ministry below that describes the power of storytelling to create change. Narrative persuasion is a