About Me

Charles & Sherryl Stone

With over four decades of pastoral experience, I have held diverse roles, including lead pastor, associate pastor, and church planter. My commitment to advancing biblical truth is evident through my publication of eight books. I’ve also contributed over 300 articles to prominent Christian leadership platforms.

In pursuit of academic excellence, I’ve earned four advanced degrees, including a Ph.D, an MDiv, and a D.Min. I’ve delved into the intricate realm of neuroscience, earning an executive masters in the neuroscience of leadership, as well as a graduate certificate in Mind, Brain, and Teaching from Johns Hopkins University. My doctoral research centered on the neurobiological aspects of stress and innovative biblical solutions to address chronic stress among pastors.

My expertise extends beyond academia, holding an International Coach Federation ACC certification. I’ve had the privilege of training more than 3000 leaders across seven countries.

As a seasoned pastor who skillfully integrates neuroscience with biblical wisdom, I excel in coaching fellow pastors, providing church consulting services, and delivering insightful talks on leadership issues.

My specialty lies in coaching and equipping pastors to effectively navigate the unique challenges ministry brings. By blending biblical principles with cutting-edge brain-based practices, I help them enhance their leadership abilities, elevate their preaching/teaching skills, prioritize self-care, and overcome the hurdles that often accompany pastoral service.

Personally, I am blessed with a loving family, my wife Sherryl of 43 years, three adult children, and four cherished grandchildren.

I’ve been professionally trained in these areas by these organizations:

  • Professional coaching through the Professional Christian Coaching Institute (ACC certified under the International Coaching Federation)
  • Strategic Planning through Ministry Advantage (certified)
  • Vision Clarity through the Church Unique Process with Auxano (certified)
  • Conflict Management through Peacemakers
  • Brain-Based Leadership through the Neuroleadership Institute and the Academy of Brain-Based Leadership
  • Psychological Safety: certified by the Academy of Brain-Based Leadership to teach resilience and administer the SAFETY™ profile (psychological safety for teams)
  • Stress Resilience Training: Certified by The Grit Institute and Driven to teach Stress Resilience and administer the PR-6 resilience inventory
  • Certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (two certificates)
  • Sleep coaching: Level 1 Certified Coach in Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery by Precision Nutrition

I’m the author of eight books:

I enjoy reading about neuroscience and going to the movies with Sherryl, my wife of over 45 years (I always get the jumbo bag of popcorn with a free refill). We have three grown children: Heather, Joshua (who is married to Deborah), and Tiffany. We also enjoy our five grandchildren, Judah, Rebecca, Hannah, Micah, and Jonah.

One canine, Sammy, also makes his home with us in Laurel, MS.

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