5 Reasons Why Every Pastor Needs a Coach, and Why I’m Getting One

After 32 years working in a church, I stepped down last year after a fulfilling 7/2; year run as a senior pastor in Aurora, IL. This past year I’ve accomplished several things.

  • Completed a book for Inter-Varsity Press called People-Pleasing Pastors: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Approval Motivate Leadership. It releases in February of 2014.
  • Almost completed another book on the subject of neuroleadership for Christian leaders (intersects brain-based insights with the Bible).
  • Created the foundation for my consulting/coaching ministry for pastors.
  • Formed an animation company called BullsEye Animations.
  • Traveled to Canada, Haiti, and Mexico to train pastor-leaders.
  • Preached in several churches.
  • Almost completed an Executive Masters in the Science of Neuroleadership.

I’ve been busy accomplishing many things, but I’m at a transition point in my life. I want to go back into church ministry as a lead pastor. To help me in this transition, I’ve hired a wonderful Christian coach, Kim Avery, to guide me through the process. I’ve scheduled several phone coaching sessions with her. Here are the five reasons I’m getting a coach this year.

Why pastors need a coach Dr. charles Stone

  1. Perspective. Although I’m an intelligent guy, sometimes I lose perspective. Someone totally objective can often see things I can’t and I need that in my life right now.
  2. Questions. I learn well when others ask me good questions. It puts the thinking into my court. Good coaches know how to ask good questions.
  3. Push-back. Sometimes my thinking can get so one-tracked that I don’t consider other possibilities. A coach can help me think “outside-the-box” by pushing back on my assumptions.
  4. Blind spots. This relates to #1 and #3 above. We all have blind spots. As I enter into this transition, I don’t want to make decisions that might be prompted by blind spots. A coach can help reveal blind spots that can skew decision-making.
  5. Affirmation. As I move into my next phase of life, whatever that looks like, I appreciate affirmation from those I respect. A respected coach can affirm good decision-making and through affirmation can prompt me take that final step necessary to make the right decisions.

If you have been coached, what benefits have you seen from your coaching experience?

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