- Do you have a safe person in your life with whom you can process ministry problems and pain?
- Have you looked deep enough inside to discover what truly bothers you about your ministry?
- If those who see how you respond to ministry problems were asked to tell you what they thought, would they say you need to make some major changes?
- To whom and how should you communicate your frustrations (your board, your staff, the church)?
You can learn more about my four books here.
You can also get a free chapter from my latest book, Brain Savvy Leaders: the Science of Significant Ministry, by signing up in the right panel on this page to receive my blog posts. You have the option for signing up for them as I post them (usually 2 a week) or you can get a compilation delivered to your mailbox on Saturday.
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i loved those four points in your book and now you have given me and other leaders a good reminder. if we don’t take care of ourselves our leadership will not flourish
Thanks Charley!